Welcome to iridi66 fanpage

News !!!

what am i up to?

06/29/2024: hiii,since last time i've uploaded all of my cat image of iridi66 (note that it's only the ones i saved on my computer) also i change a bit the nav tab (just spaced the links) and finaly i'm working of 'pixelart page',i will upload it soon it's not perfect since you cant change the colors and you need to reload the page the draw something new. anyway that's all my friends ,bye :]

06/21/2024[late at night]: finaly i've renamed all the picture and fix some isssue with the slideshow , now i will just fill the xml with the name of the pictures and rezise them. also i will try to change the horrible display on the navigation tab

06/21/2024: right now i am renaming all the pictures to make it easier to sort them , i've done almost half of the cat pictures on my computer.i think i might be done in four days ,see ya :]